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Electric Companies Catgory (Total 6927 Info)
Ketchikan Public Utilities - General Manager- Telephone Division
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Ketchikan Public Utilities - General Manager- Telephone Division
City: Ketchikan - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99901
Tel: (907)225-1000 Fax: (907)225-1788
Arctic Energy Office-National Energy Technology Laboratory. U.S. Depsrtment of En
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Arctic Energy Office-National Energy Technology Laboratory. U.S. Depsrtment of En
City: Anchorage - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99501
Tel: (907)271-1550
Golden Valley Electric Association Inc
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Golden Valley Electric Association Inc
City: Fairbanks - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99701
Tel: (907)452-1151
Arctic Energy Office-National Energy Technology Laboratory. U.S. Depsrtment of En
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Arctic Energy Office-National Energy Technology Laboratory. U.S. Depsrtment of En
City: Fairbanks - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99775
Tel: (907)452-2559
UAF Power Plant
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: UAF Power Plant
City: Fairbanks - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99702
Tel: (907)474-7351
Graybar Electric Company Inc
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Graybar Electric Company Inc
City: Fairbanks - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99701
Tel: (907)479-9697
Kodiak Wireless
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Kodiak Wireless
City: Kodiak - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99615
Tel: (907)486-7701
Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Inc
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Inc
City: Anchorage - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99503
Tel: (907)561-1818
Precision Power LLC
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Precision Power LLC
City: Anchorage - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99518
Tel: (907)561-7797 Fax: (907)561-7799
Galena City - Power House
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Galena City - Power House
City: Galena - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99741
Tel: (907)656-1503
Eklutna Utilities
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Eklutna Utilities
City: Eagle River - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99577
Tel: (907)696-2840
Gustavus Electric CO
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Gustavus Electric CO
City: Gustavus - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99826
Tel: (907)697-2299
Chenega Power LLC
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Chenega Power LLC
City: Elmendorf Afb - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99506
Tel: (907)753-0541
Alaska Power & Telephone
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Alaska Power & Telephone
City: Klawock - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99925
Tel: (907)755-4822
Copper Valley Electric Association Inc
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Copper Valley Electric Association Inc
City: Glennallen - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99588
Tel: (907)822-3211
Copper Valley Electric Association Inc
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Copper Valley Electric Association Inc
City: Valdez - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99686
Tel: (907)835-4301 Fax: (907)835-4328
Nushagak Cooperative
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Nushagak Cooperative
City: Dillingham - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99576
Tel: (907)842-5251 Fax: (907)842-2799
Naterkaq Light Plant
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Naterkaq Light Plant
City: Chefornak - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99561
Tel: (907)867-8213
Kotlik Electric Service
Sub Catgory: Electric Companies
Address: Kotlik Electric Service
City: Kotlik - State: Alaska - Zipcode: 99620
Tel: (907)899-4926 Fax: (907)899-4925
Cherokee Aerial Construction
Sub Catgory: Builders & Contractors
Address: Cherokee Aerial Construction
City: Pell City - State: Alabama - Zipcode: 35125
Tel: (205)338-8961 Fax: (205)338-8593
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